Friday, September 12, 2008


Bet the owner of the BP is fat, dumb and happy! What in the world is going on? These idiots out here buying gas today. If you don't need gas today and your buying it "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM"!!!!! Driving around today I was listening to the radio and all this concern over gas. Hell people there's hurricane IKE giving the folks in Texas real problems, but what is this little part of Tennessee worried about? Getting to the gas pump, they think its going to run out. Its not ever going to "run out". Theres too much money involved for them to run out. There could possibly be a day or two that the tanks don't get filled (like, but we will never run out. You know if your tank holds 20 gallons and the price jumps .30 cents like today, its only going to cost you $6.00 bucks more to fill up. I know when times are tight you have to penny pinch but.... My car was on empty like most fridays , so I can take advantage of Food City's premium for mid-grade pricing discount. Coming home from Erwin, the Wal-mart Murphy gas station had to have Unicoi police there ................ STUPID! Just STUPID!!! This BP in the pic was backed out in the road! Why do folks get all stirred up over gas rumors?? I'm going to ride my bike to work as much as possible before it gets cold....... its a long ride. I wish I lived closer sometimes.

Whew, I got that off my chest......
Only a couple of rides this week nothing major jus' keeping it real yo. Got a late start on the TNR last night but had a nice ride with Angie and Brandon. Got a salad with Angie and Tommy from TCRC at Bucks Pizza last night after the ride (Bucks Pizza is no more - lost franchise $$$$$$ , going to be a Tex-Mex micro brewery, already have a bunch of TVs on da wall......rumor has it).
CX is almost here, got some CX practice lined up too. Never have practiced CX, just going to start riding in the grass alot, lol......... got to keep up the running program, if you can call it a program :) Getting some mileage in this weekend but I have a friend thats getting married saturday so I'm riding saturday morning, something I don't get to do often. I will be in Yuma all day sunday so I will ride the possum while I'm up there.

GO GET YOUR GAS AMERICA !!!!!!!! .......... TARDS

Later G......................................................................


Duckman said...

I think it's funny that the dumbasses brought on exactly what they feared - running out of gas.

Stupid ****s!


I know people are so retarded