Sunday, September 21, 2008


Today was another day riding my bike in the grass. It has to make you stronger! No way that it can't improve your endurance with all the resistance it supplies.
There was CX practice at Winged Deer Park today. We had some makeshift barriers and we rode through the corners of the volleyball pits in the sand. A couple of laps to get warmed up and then we rode at a pretty fast pace. There were 4 guys that checked out and I just pedaled the SS as fast as I could to try to keep them in my sights. We rode a short version of the usual course there but we did all the hills. After a while we started incorporating the other side in for more mileage. After the first practice session we accumulated 5 miles then we took a little break. Some of the guys had to leave so a few of us just did an easy pace around all over the place having fun playing follow the leader. Soon the time came where everyone had to go. I got back on the bike and pedaled another 5.8 miles before I left...... I needed it too! I got 15.86 miles in today. That's pretty good for riding around at that place in the grass. I rode the entire perimeter the last session. I rode at a descent pace also, keeping my heart rate at a steady 165. If I can maintain what I did today in the races I should do okay by attrition. Most of the guys go out "balls to the wall" and die off. I like this because I try to ride my own pace until the last couple of laps. I give my all (or all that I have and usually I pick off at least a couple or more that have just let it all hang out too much. They usually put up a last ditch effort when I catch up, some run off and leave me, but mostly they start fading again and I pedal on. I'm not one to blow any one's doors off in a race mind you, but if they let up I'm usually within striking range....hopefully. I'm really looking forward to the CX season this year for some reason. It's different than riding on the road. Some of the fast dudes that hammer on the road aren't as fast in the grass....go figure. Austin is wanting to do this also which I think is awesome. He's been running alot but I'm not sure how he will do with the CX. He did it last year and it kicked his but. He's got his mountain bike and its alot heavier than a cross bike. I would buy him one but he's hot and cold with the cycling thing so I'm holding off 'til he's more serious. He does enjoy it though which is good. So let's go pedal in the grass.....!!!!!

Later G....................................................

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