Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cool Air

I was out tonight riding and thought I would ride down to Lamar for the Johnson City World Championships (my nickname for the pack rides). There was a chill in the air this evening. Fall is near ya know. I leisurely cruised down the 8 miles to Lamar School where these rides take place. There was only two cars in the parking lot and two TCRC riders standing there with their bikes.... wow. Looks like these rides have all but ended. I know due to the time, its getting hard to get a good ride in after work. I stopped and chatted then a couple of more riders rode in. There were 7 of us total now. I decided to get my riding in elsewhere so I turned and said my goodbyes and started home. I began with Buffalo on my radar but I knew of some more hills that I had not been on in quiet some time, so I decided to hit those. They have short but steep, intense climbs on them. I pushed it a little, my fitness isn't what it was last year and I'm not happy with that, but what do you do this late in the season? Enjoy, that's what you do. Just enjoy being on the bike and thankful to be able to ride the bike. I truly love cycling. Its a way to make everything better. There's so many good people that enjoy doing what I do and I'm glad to be associated with them. My friend Greg posted some artwork of cycling on his blog (riding with dogs). You know, art makes me appreciate it even more......Thanks dude!

Last night my mountain bike club (NTMBA) elected a new president. I'm really looking forward to the new future of the club. I would like to thank our former President Brian for all his time and work that he has done over the past few years. Thanks dude!

More cross this weekend yo.... two days. Sat and Sun!!!! Right in our back yard too !!

Later G ...............................................................


Riding with dogs said...

You should get a cycling tat!http://cyclingtattoogallery.blogspot.com/


skyits been on my radar for sometime now,just can't decide on what to come up with