Oh how sweet it is! The weather totally took a u-turn from what it was last week. Last week in the 20's and snow, this week high 60's near 70 (our record). Makes me sing the McDonald's theme song...... I'm lovin' it. So you ask where did I ride today? I'm glad my readers asked. Today a couple of buds and myself took a little ride over to the Kingsport mountains. There was one hell of a climb that I had never climbed before but oh how many times have I descended it. It was rough and painful but we made it to the top. There was also some hike-a-bike "grrrrrr" that I didn't much care for but the ride was a blast. Good friends can always make the ride better no matter where or what you do. Here are some pics also. I'm a camera "HO" I know. Ever since I bought the GoPro and the tiny samsung I can't help it......
we came across some old log houses...
Ummmmmm what ya doin' Mark???
Little did I know that there would be more of this.... hike-a-bike
Kewl little creek crossing.
All in all it was a nice ride. Not too hard, except for that climb. Good day of base building.
Later G...........................
You mean nobody rode the creek? Greckry said you guys rode the Pipes and that they were good. I want to go to there.
We could have ridden the creek but it had a bank on one side and if you rode it it would have torn\dug it up. Then some erosion.... IMBA no no! If you were coming from the other direction (down) you could have just launched from the ground to the flat part.
You know that part where you fly down the rocky DH section at the end of the Bays race? We climbed that bitch yesterday.....DAM! It hurt bad!
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