Oh yea the first day of class has now came and is now gone. Math, Speech, Critical/Argumental Writing, Computers/Java and a Physical Conditioning class are what's for dinner this semester. The math will probably give me the biggest problem I think, It's been 24 years since I had a math class and last semester it showed with a B as a final grade. I have been to all my classes except the conditioning class due to the holiday and the start date of classes.
I have been keeping up with the Haiti crisis and I hope that all the relief is getting through. I hope it doesn't end up being like Somalia where we send all this aid over there and the war lords end up with it and the needy are still as needy or worse than before. Doesn't seem right that one half of the world lives comfortably and the other doesn't. Some people you can't help but one should at least try then let them be. Always protect yourself though! Strength can be a deterrent as long as you are wise. OK enough of my global interests.
The other day on the first road ride of the year alot of the team was a no show, they rode the next day which is good. It's cool to see these National caliber collegiate riders get so interested in road riding. Little do they know if they keep it up it will help them this fall in the SECCC. I'm hoping I can work some cycling into this conditioning class that I have, this road season is going to hurt bad I'm afraid. Road racing early in the season and then BMX throughout the summer with an occassional Mountain bike race thrown in for good measure finishing up in the fall with the SECCC collegiate season. That's the plan and lately my life plans get changed whether I want it to or not. Hopefully the $$ will be available to let me splurge a teeny bit this year.
Today the sun popped out while I was doing some homework so I hurried through it and threw on my bibs and hit the road on the BMC. Rode off the hill and down through town when I felt the drip drip drip of some light precipitation. I immediately did a "Uey" and headed home, ah! That's ok later I will hit the CPA I was thinking. Not to be, MLK is getting greedy and closed the campus down for three days, Sat-Mon. Before you know it he will get all week, well at least we are off Monday no classes. That's ok, I have a scheduled road ride at 1pm for the ETSU guys, I wish we had a coach! Sorry for the boring post but Captain Dingo has a production rule out now, gotta blog more. (he said I was producing fine but I don't want on the non-blogging bloggers list)
LAter G..........................
Captian Dingo? that has an interesting ring to it
like that huh?
Despite our best intentions, not every blog post can be a spectacular work of art.
lol @ Captain Dingo.
speak for yourself Mimni
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