COB? you may ask what kind of COB? a corn cob? what other kinds of cob's are there? I'm not sure let me go to the web for a sec.........
COB Close Of Business (day)
COB College of Business
COB Coordination Of Benefits
COB Children of Bodom (band; Finland)
COB Chip On Board
COB Commission des Operations de Bourse (French stock market regulator)
COB Church of the Brethren
COB Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro (Brazilian Olympic Committee)
COB City of Bellingham (Washington)
COB Conduct of Business
COB Central Obrera Boliviana (Bolivian labor organization)
COB City of Brownsville (Texas)
COB Chairman of the Board
COB College of the Bahamas
COB California-Oregon Border
COB Conan O'Brien (TV personality)
COB Contingency Operating Base
COB Country of Birth
COB Chief Of the Boat
COB COBOL Source Code (file name extension)
COB Crew-Overboard
COB Case of Beer
COB Continuous Open Bidding (sorority/fraternity recruitment)
COB Chris O'Brien (musician)
COB Continuity of Business
COB Capital One Bank
COB Civilians on the Battlefield
COB Carry on Business (license; India)
COB City of Berkeley (California)
COB Company of Biologists (Canada)
COB Cost of Borrowing (loan financing)
COB Colegio Oficial de Biólogos (Spanish: Association of Biologists)
COB Class of Business
COB Corn, Oats, & Barley (livestock feed)
COB Center of Balance (measurement)
COB Church Office Building (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
COB Center of Buoyancy (physics)
COB Command Operating Budget
COB Certificate of Birth
COB Cost Of Business
COB Chrome Over Brass (snare drums)
COB Collocated Operating Base
COB Continent Ocean Boundary
COB Clothing Optional Beach
COB City of Brass (game)
COB Clean on Board (shipping)
COB Circle of Bosses
COB Clear-Over-Base (2-component car paints)
COB Change of Basis (linear algebra, changing vectors from one basis to another)
COB Commencement of Business
COB City of Bridgetown (Barbados)
COB Cranky Old Bastard
COB Current on Board
COB Contractors on the Battlefield
COB Citizen Oversight Board
COB Cut Out Background (digital photo manipulation)
COB Cash on the Barrelhead
COB Center for Oral Biology (Karolinska Institute; Huddinge, Sweden)
COB Crusty Old Bastard
COB Conformity Assessment Body
COB Cargo Onboard
COB Call On Business
COB Council Of Brothers (gaming clan)
COB Confirmation of Benefits (insurance)
COB Communications Office Building (NASA)
COB Cost of Billing
COB Concluding Observation (United Nations)
COB Continuously Overwhelmed with Blessings
COB Combined Order of Battle
COB Call Out Bonus
COB CONUS Operating Base
COB Commander of Brothers (gaming community)
COB Coalition of Brothers (gaming community)
COB Crotchety Old Bitch
WOW! Was I suprised! I sure know a few of that last one, ha ha. But alas there's no COB in that list for the COB I'm referring to. C.O.B. (cheap old bastard) IE; Local Cult Hero. Yes he's been called many things before but Dave Smith and Brian have tagged the boy C.O.B. ! Good ole Mike T.
I first met Mikey at a trade show inside the mini-dome at ETSU when I was working for a competitor of his. A Skiers Edge in Johnson City, Mike as everyone knows works for Alpine Ski Center in Kingsport, always has - probably always will. Every year the Spring boat show is hosted inside the mini-dome and both our companies were invited every year. I think it was 1986? the first time he introduced himself to us at ASE. He was a younger chunky kid with long hair best as I can remember. He was really cool and we thought he was feelin' us out in a business sense. Later on when the folks in N.C. that own Alpine put in an offer to buy ASE it went through and all they retained were two employees, me not one of them. I had a full time job in the Auto parts industry at that time so it was only fair. Over the years I developed a brotherly relationship with Mike getting involved in all kinds of sports like motocross, BMX, mountain biking, road biking, etc... I have known him now for 25+ years?? Wow where did the time go. He is a good dood and I'm happy to have seen him get married to Hilliary who seems to make him a very happy man.
That's just some history of Mikey and a formal notice that he will forever be heralded as C.O.B. So if you are wondering what the COB on the blog side board is's COB!
(formal note: Mike has one of the largest personal bike collections of anywhere that I know. Honestly! He has more bikes downstairs than some bike shops have in their shop!)
LAter G......................................
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