Thursday, October 10, 2013

I've Missed the Boat

Wow! I will admit I have slacked off a couple days training each week because of school and classwork but I did not think it would show like it has. Plain and simple I suck more than usual! About 30 minutes into my 45 minute races the engine shuts totally down. I was doing pretty good this summer getting in a pretty good weekly base with extra long distance mileage up on the Creeper Trail. Then I began my intensity, showed improvements in my times during training and even lowered my heart rate at max effort. First couple of mountain bike races this fall.... I was suffering... bad! Then the first cross races I was still suffering just not as long. WTH??? Those 3 weeks of easing up cost me, cost me a lot! Then last week.... sick for two days, bad sick! Mind you now I'm not a serious racer I just train to be competitive so that my buds won't run off and leave me. I'm not  worried about any local race series titles but I do have fun when I can keep up with the local fast guys. I'm not keeping up lately...

There's also another thing that's going on but it's self-inflicted. I volunteered to make the podiums for the MSG series.... and be the one to award prizes, medals and payout. The MSG series hasn't had that in many years and I felt it was affecting turnout! So I put my money where my mouth is and stepped up. On top of that I started announcing the races now too. At first I was scared silly but after one day I started getting the hang of it and enjoying it. Someone take all my irons away so that I won't put another one into the fire please! Here lies the dilemma; "working" the races allows no time to a)warm up properly. b)socialize and have fun. c)relax after your race. d)get prepared for your second race and I'm sure I could come up with several more but you should get my drift by now. This whole season so far has felt like a job. To be 100% honest I don't think most, some I know do, of the racers give a shit that we work so hard to provide a series like MSG. Drew says it best here concerning this point. I've committed myself too much (my fault only) and I plan on rectifying that after this season is over. I'm not one to quit, I'm also not one to make suggestions and not help see them come through unlike some peeps. So, I guess I just suffer.... burn out by the end of December and retire from any and all promoting, racing and assistance with cycling related things in the area for a year or so, it's happened to me before. Take six months or more just to ride and enjoy the bike makes a huge difference when you're frazzled.

 I couldn't pass up this shot of COB that Mama-J shot at AVLCX. A total washout of a race but soooo much fun. COB has been sneak training it seems. He's made an impressive showing at the start of the first 4 races with several podiums! Attaboy COB!!!

Our "spiral of death" caused many a rider to get tangled up with one another at the Farmhouse #3 & #4 races. Going and coming can confuse some peeps.

Mr. Stidham wearing the latest country cover-alls fashion at race #4. The heat has been ridiculous at the first four events. 80+* for each race is stupid!! This season feels more like MTB short track instead of cross. #unacceptable  On top of that last weeks course was flat and had MAYBE 50ft of elevation change each lap compared to the Farmhouse where there was a several hundred feet of climbing each lap.

On my first lap of Masters 45+ Sunday I had to stop and give COB (green shirt) a hug. I made it 4 laps before I got light headed from being sick all week. The spiral did me in. I was silly to think I could finish a 45 minute race after being sick for most of the preceding week.

After Saturday's events I was spent. I'm practically laying in a chair that's meant for you to be seated upright in.... 2 New Belgium beers later I was buzzing. That's how bad I was feeling.

The pics below are from races #1 & #2. I had great expectations that never transpired that weekend and I left Sunday disappointed with myself. I had zero fun at all that weekend but I did get to ride my bike with friends and that counts for something.

I do like the way our fearless leader split the Masters classes this year. Elite Masters 35+ & 45+ (cat 1, 2, 3, 4) this is a $cash$ payout class and Masters 45+ & 55+ (cat 3, 4, 5) medals awarded class. It has made for much closer racing amongst everyone in the Masters classes so great call D-Wayne!

MTB class below............ Me on the podium in 3rd. Sadly there was only 3 in the class Saturday, 5 on Sunday. Our fearless leader created this class just for mountain bikers to have fun and "whoop up" on their buddies but yet they fail to support this class and I'm afraid it'll be gone next year. It almost was taken out for this year but I pleaded for him to keep it. It's funny how our local MTB club doesn't participate in a class just for them. I've seen cross peeps attending their (local MTB club) endurance race and trail work days but yet to see any reciprocation. Negativity from me I know but I just call it like I see it. Truth hurts.

Photo Credits: Mama J
The next race this weekend is at Sycamore Shoals State Park in Elizabethton. This is a Saturday race only then if you want more CX action you can drive over the mountain to Pisgah Brewery Sunday for AVLCX's race. It's always a good turnout. I'm debating on going to AVLCX or Beech Mtn for ASU's ACCC MTB race Sunday though or possibly drive up to Marion Va. to pre-ride the new Fall Fear race course that's next Saturday. Can't decide yet.
LAter G.........................

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