Saturday, August 30, 2008


Long day. Austins first meet went well. He didn't do as well as I thought he should have but he beat his opening season time again this year. Thats a positive note for sure. A little over 11 minutes for the course, not bad! He nips this guy at the line in upper pic!
After returning home I took care of some things around here then suited up for the road. Up over buffalo from the house. It was pretty warm out......I love it! Beats the heck outta those 40-50 deg days back in March ha ha. Proceeded getting over Buffalo in haste since I haven't been on the road bike in awhile. I passed a couple of riders going over the same way I was riding. I always try to "big ring" the mountain since I'm not very good at high cadence. Today wasn't that hard even though all I have been riding is the mtn bike lately, go figure. I kept a moderately\quick pace the entire ride. Returned home with 57 miles and a little over 4k of climbing in today, very satisfied. Almost reached my road goal in one day.......nice , very nice. Walked in the house and changed shoes jumped on the 29er and pedaled up the hill. Turned left onto the ETSU trail system and was kinda suprised. The trails still quite damp. I'm suprised all that rain we got this week did not go into the ground like a sponge. I only rode a short section then proceeded home. I didn't want to hurt the trails by riding on them in that condition. I also had plenty of miles on my legs already. Got back and started getting my gear ready for tomorrow. Still haven't decided where I'm riding Sunday, I guess I'm going to wing it after church. 1 day of 3 under my belt, Sunday and Monday left. More later...............

Later G .........................................................................