Day 2 of my 3 day riding weekend has come to an end. I’m here at the Curtis Creek campground just a few miles outside of Old Fort, N.C. The day started off pretty good. I got up and attended services at Southwestern. Got home and started packing the car. After I finished I ran into that problem I had a Tsali…….click click click. I have a weak battery in my explorer. I had no way to jump it so I hooked up the battery charger and sat back. Everything loaded and ready to go…..but can’t. After about 90 minutes I tried it and it started right up. I headed for the N.C. border. First I had to get a battery, walmart was enroute so I swung in and got one. $79.00 freaking dollars for a car battery, PLUS TAX, PLUS DISPOSAL FEE --- GEEEEEZZZZ. I wanted to be able to get plenty of riding in so I threw it in the back and continued on. I will install it later. It was a real nice drive through the mountains over to Old Fort too. I found my way up Curtis Creek rd to the campground. I got to admit this place is a lot nicer than Tsali's. The spots are top notch. No electric for RVs but you can still set one up here. I paid my 5 bucks for a spot but you can camp at the primitive sites for free. I prefer the safety of the group site though (bears, keep reading). I pitched my tent and then the ranger, a young guy, came by and introduced himself (Travis) he briefed me with the rules of the campground. They had 14 inches of rain up here this week and just warning me about the bears, YES BEARS! He said they don’t bother anyone they are just looking for food and can spot a cooler a mile away so please stash them in your vehicle at night, yes sir! They have been in the campground all week and they usually come out between 2-4am or after a rain……..nice!!!!!! I finished with the ranger then got on the bike and headed up CCR. Today it didn’t seem all that far. Maybe its because I did not have 30 miles under my belt like in the ORAMM before hitting it. Its only about 6 miles to the top from the campground, so I rode it twice. I got 27 miles in 2 round trips, the first time up I went up the BRP a bit then turned around and headed back. The first time I summited in less than an hour but the second time it took me an hour and five minutes. The 26T gear I installed for an inner ring gave me what I was looking for. I used it three times to get to the top, I'm pleased with the stays mounted! I returned to camp, got out the tools and put the battery in, no biggie just three bolts 8mm sizing. I brought a cooler full of food with me but I’m not hungry so I figured I would just catch up on my blogging so I don’t have to do it later. The whole time I have been typing there’s this huge brown\orange frog just hopped over here next to me, just sitting here by the lantern. I guess he’s using the light to have a smorgasbord. He’s picking off bugs left and right with laser like precision. He’s about the size of a baseball too. I’m also joined by a big ole katydid, several big ants (the frog is taking care of that problem) and a huge grand daddy long legs spider. It’s really amazing what you can see if you just slow down and look. It was nice going up CCR and being able to just take in the scenery instead of being in “race mode”.
It’s getting late I guess I’m going to turn in and wait for the bears to arrive…NOT! Tomorrow either holds a trip to Warriors or going to Bent Creek in Asheville on the way home. Upon returning home I will decide whether or not to hit the road or ride at ETSU. It should be dry enough now.

Quickly got set up so I could ride. The humidity was pretty thick. Nice campground, I'm going back one weekend and do the whole course again soon.

8AM Monday morning......This is after the monsoon blew threw sunday night. It rained hard too. You could hear the creek roaring loud with all the water rushing through it. The fly held out on the tent. I got some mist through the vents but nothing bad. Kelty makes a good product....I'm glad! I could see bright flashes a couple of times through the night but never heard any thunder. All I needed was one little sound out of the clouds and I was so in the car to sleep.

Later G ………………………………………..
no bear encounters I guess?
nope........thank goodness. I did hear something near the road but I figured it was a dear. my imagination was starting to run a little bit
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