Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Steel ? Steal? Steele? Still?

Wow, whomever coined the phrase "steel is real" nailed it. I haven't ridden a steel frame bike in about 10 years or better. I rode Larry's 29er chromoly steel bike this weekend and I was amazed. Amazed I said! It felt like carbon, it really did. It definately wasn't as harsh and stiff as my aluminum hardtails. It didn't sway and flex like the older frames, it felt good. So what do i do when I get home? You guessed it put my SS up for sale and start looking for a steel 29er frame. Now all you fully rigid homies out there in internet land don't go getting all excited. I'm putting a Rock Shox on it for sure up front. I like my fillings in my mouth not jarred out. So I thought I had the hookup on a complete bike but that fell through. So now I'm scoping things out on the world wide web. I'm not paying a fortune for a frame, most everything is made the same nowadays with the way technology is. So keep yo fingas crossed that I find a sweet deal. more to come later.................

Oh and by the way, have you noticed the little advertisement in the upper right hand corner? Please click on one or two of the links for me. The proceeds I have it set up to go to a good cause! They get a kickback for every hit. So please take a few minutes and click on one or several of the links, it's all bike related or supposed to be....... THANKS!!!!

Later G.................................

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