Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm back in action after being out of action for about a week. Today was awesome! I had my appetite back. Everything I ate I could taste. You just don't appreciate the little everyday things until they are gone. You know the simple stuff. I'm so thankful that I'm back to feeling like normal. I want to ride so BAD. It's pouring the rain here in East TN. and I'm not about to get out in it for fear of catching something else viral. So I wait....... patiently.

I guess there is one positive thing that has come from all this though, my weight. I lost a whopping 6 pounds in the last week from being ill. I'm at 187lbs now, I don't think it will stay there but I'm hoping that if it's water weight that I will only put 3 of that back on. My goal is to be at 180 by March 1st. It's do-able - but very hard. I have cut my portions and nothing after 7pm. I think that's where I have seen the gain, the 7pm part. It really works in my opinion. I eat pretty good, not great, but pretty good. I have almost totally given up red meat, If I eat a burger its only here at the house and it's a turkey burger. Just like sausage, I hardly ever indulge but if I do its turkey sausage here at home now. Likewise with anything else we can substitute with turkey....or chicken. I have been big on burritos, no not the big nasty Mexican ones, just anything that you can make a sandwich out of. Instead of bread..... wrap it in a low carb burrito or low carb bread wrap, almost half the calories! A salad wrap rocks too, just easy on or no dressing.

I tried earlier to start my plyometrics and pilates today but my energy level isn't there. So I will give it another day. I hope tomorrow to hit Buffalo or hit the workout routine that I have missed for the last 7 days. One or the other. I was on a roll with the plyo. So I started @ 196 and I'm at 187 yesterday. I think I will put something on the sidebar to keep up with this and if I gain anything back other than this sickness weight it will pour the guilt on and make me strive to work harder. Sorta like a public conscience....

Later G.........................................


Riding with dogs said...

IS there viruses in the rain? I didn't know that?


har har ya never know