Most peeps that know me know that I keep my bikes pretty clean. I can't stand for any of my bikes to be nasty. A little dirt on the MTB gets by every now and again but I don't like to bring them in the house dirty. Yes my bikes stay in the house! I treat them like a pet, it's ok some people treat their pets like humans so it balances out. This weekends Jacob Francisco Metric started out bad. It could have been worse but it was pretty bad for conditions. 55 degrees, light rain, very wet streets along with winter grit and grime left on the roads. My glasses fogged up so I couldn't use those then the grit from the road would get into my eyes and go about three rounds with my contacts which made for a very irritating ride. After about 30 miles or half of the ride I decided to head back to the house and call it a day. I managed to get 45 miles under my belt by the time I rode back home. Chris said he called me some unpleasant names and sent some bad ju-ju my way for bailing on him, I apologize sir. But just look at the pic above..... pure nastiness for the road! I had grit where grit shouldn't be I tell ya! After I got back E tried to talk me into another 30 miles with some of the guys from carter county, I had to respectfully decline, my bike needed attention. I almost took it to the car wash it was soooo bad.
On another note the team traveled over to Mars Hill, N.C. for the final SECCC conference road race this season. Only three guys went and they said the course had lots of climbing involved and it hurt. We did manage a 5th from Thomas in today's crit though.
One more thought, the almighty IMBA showed up for a trails workshop and to give their expertise on trail building to our NTMBA club and Bristol city employees. It turned out to be a success it seemed so we are grateful for that, Steele Creek needs all the help it can get!!! I would like to see it brought back to life from the grave because the trails totally suck over there from years of neglect and poor maintenance. Ok enough blogging back to the books, more math awaits me.
LAter G.........................................
You missed some fun with the IMBA crew, they were cool peoples. We started fixing a nice chunk of Steele Creek, so the progress has started!
I didnt send bad ju-ju your way ... I got some bad ju-ju when you left!! Rear flat almost immediatly after you turned around. Steve Billy and Mike stopped to help, er, watch me change the flat then we motored on.
You are right thou, it was nasty out. I looked like i had been mtn biking all day.
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