Wow what a looooooong week up in Wisconsin! The drive which would have normally taken 12 hours or so turned into a 2 day trip due to rules and regulations that pertain to the schools transportation policies. Anywho I managed to get AC and myself up there AND back unscathed. This was a hoot of a trip and in the middle of fall and spring semesters so it was more of a mini vacation to me. I only raced the non-championship race while there and did my usuall "I suck" routine even though I tried warming up to go ride in/on/around an ice rink USAC called a CX course.

We had a great parking place at the venue outside of the $200 boundry for "expo" parking. Right beside a row of porta johns that were cleaned everyday (too cold for the smell to permeate) so there were not any bathroom issues in our pits nor were there any lines until the last day. I had to snap a pic of the logo though! " We are #1 in your #2 business" Love it! Speaking of EXPO, well there wasn't much EXPOing of any kind going on. Heck SRAM packed up and left early... Shimano provided support for all types of drivetrains while there, one of the collegiate guys had a sram rear derailleur installed on his bike by them. I guess everyone slums sometimes, wink, wink.

One night there was several of us met at the Great Dane Brewing Company for dinner, a place that came highly reccomended by a few friends up there. That place rocked some awesome food too. I had to pass on the brews though since I was driving the school van. Saliva was dripping from the corner of my mouth as I watched D-Wayne and the Seekster partake in the fine choice of brews. I was afarid to snap pics with my iPhone at the USAC gallery because I was afraid it may have been inappropriate so I took this one covert ops style! The bike art was very simple and somewhat eclectic.

While in downtwon Madison (the capital of Wis.) we wandered aimlessly through the streets just taking in the views of a wonderfully mild evening, very rare this time of year. There was an art show sponsored by USAC in a gallery that we visited, Starbucks and another hole in the wall bar only for a second looking for another art show display sponsored by USAC. This has to be one of the cleanest towns I have ever visited in my life, it was awesome! This pic here above had us almost walking on the capital's lawn.

OMG! I have found a new favorite beer!!!! New Glarus Brewing Co. I love you. This stuff is the smoothest ale I have ever tasted!!! Thank goodness there were other vehicles headed back this way so I could get some home. Its against rules to transport any alcohol in a state vehicle so I had some brought back to Tennessee in another racer's personal vehicle! 1 case and a half should last me 'til the end of January if I enjoy it and not just pound them back.

This little event here had me coming to a screaming hault and doing a "U"ey in the median to go back and get a pic with this van. I have tried numerous times to contact the car lot but it's been unsuccessful so far..... I want this van!
Oh the racing you ask?? Well, I took 1,150+ pics while up there at the track so I haven't had enough time to go through all of them and choose the good ones that's why its going to be a couple more parts to this post. Please be patient....
LAter G ...............................
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