Anywho, I've been blogging just not here. I've been getting out of a beginner's art class for a few semesters now, 2D. Last advisement I was nailed to the cross and required to take it if I wanted to take anymore digital media classes, le sigh! In one of my classes, PoV, we are learning an AutoDesk program called Maya. It's a 3D rendering software and holy cow I want to sit and create 24/7 it's that much fun! I just received my free $3495.00 AutoDesk license to install this on my laptop so I may not be getting much sleep in the near future... Here's the first homework assignment we've had. Create a spaceship! This started out as a 5x5 cube and via the software you design and add features along with a sweet little glow from the thruster engines.

My art blog is called Quiet Fish and you can go see it here, if ya want.
Ok, ok sorry about all this software and no bike talk.
So after I posted the pic of the new carbon sweetness on FB with all the packing still on it I received several texts wanting me to unwrap and publish.... So, here she is all the way from China. It only took two weeks to get it from half way around the world... I'm impressed! I think I could put a few BMC stickers on it and pass it off as a BMC to some people. Friday I'll get to swapping out all the goodies and see what weight savings I've gained. As best I can tell it has the same frame cosmetic characteristics as either a Scott 29er or Stevens 29er. Crazy resemblance!!
LAter G..............
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