Tuesday, September 2, 2008


After sleeping in after the rain I clammered out of the tent about 8Am, looked at the situation and packed up. My decision to go to Bent Creek changed. I guess I will drive over to Asheville and hang a bit. I did and wasted a few hours, got back in the explorer and headed home. It rained the whole time. Got over the mountain and it was nice....wow. I had some things to do before Angie got back from her skydiving boogie in Indiana. So no ride for monday, almost made my riding goal except for mother nature spoiling it. But we need the rain so as the Meatloaf song goes.................. "2 OUT OF 3 AIN'T BAD"

This weekend I get to race some 18 year olds at the ETSU collegiate race...yehaw

Later G


Riding with dogs said...

Meatloaf? who listens to that crap?


70's and 80's baby, your such a "pup"

Riding with dogs said...

I ain't no pup chump, I remember Meatloaf and how bad he sucked. There were too many other good bands to be wasting time listening to a guy who named himself after a slice of beef. Good job on getting in some serious mileage though. Sounds like somebody's doing some serious training, your making me look bad. I'll have you talked into racing with GRT before the end of Sept.

Duckman said...

Why would you want to waste that fitness riding alone or with second place? You need to ride with us :D

Riding with dogs said...

whoa! 2nd place, are you going to let him talk that kinda trash on your blog.


you all need some "koom ba yah"

besides I don't "train". If your training you have a goal. I don't have a cycling goal

you shouldn't kick other folks tastes of music homie. I listen to some strange stuff sometimes.....he he he