Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pink Ribbon and CC

We got up this morning and immediately went to the front door to see what the weather had in store for us today. To my surprise it wasn't raining! The road was still wet though. Most folks know how I feel about road riding in the rain........"I don't like it". Angie and I both were 50\50 on doing the TCRC Pink Ribbon charity ride at the med center here in JC today. I wasn't going to be able to do this ride due to Austin having a cross country meet today at Steele Creek in Bristol. But luck would have it that they changed the schedule of the day to them running last other than the normal first. That gave me the window I needed to be able to ride the short 25 mile option with Angie. We finally decided to go and I'm glad I did. The turnout was very low. I was surprised! We registered and got ready, socialized a bit and then they started. We rode in the back of the pack. The JCPD was at every turn inside the city limits stopping traffic for us. After we got onto Greenwood dr. we were on our own. We got to see some very interesting riders too. One dude nearly 60 yrs old rode on the side of his seat. We thought it was strange but every time we seen him he was doing it. Several people were riding with the bike TOTALLY not set up for them. Seat posts all the way down, mis-positioned bars and all kinds of goofy stuff. It would be nice if a shop would have a small booth at these rides offering quick "bike check set-ups" to help these uneducated folks out. I know that they would enjoy cycling more if the bike felt better. Anyway, we rode to Lamar, around the river, then straight back the way we came. We took our time and enjoyed the whole ride not pushing at all. It was nice, just like an early morning stroll. We saw Joe and Olga at the rest stop too. They were riding the 50 mile option. After we returned we chatted with Janine (the TCRC prez), put the bikes up and changed shoes. Then Angie walked up to check the door prizes. She comes back laughing and tells me I won the huge pink basket full of stuff.....WOW! She says "I didn't win anything" with a sad face. Thats ok I will share..... It came with a $50 GIFT CERT, Several power bars all kinds of "spa" stuff (that I gave to Angie) , an insulated water bottle and more. It had well over a $100 bucks worth of stuff in it. NICE, very NICE!!!! We had some pizza loaded up then left, I still had to take Austin to his meet.

We got to Steele Creek and found the team. He got his bib number and they started the race shortly after that. There was about 250 kids in his class looked like. He started pretty good, found him a rabbit to set his pace. After about half way through he dropped him and kept a steady pace. He was getting tired by the look on his face. They had a nice steady rain showering them now after about half way through. I crossed back over to see the finish. He looked to be in the front third of the race. He comes by me near the end and I'm yelling sprint! He pays me no mind and keeps his I know what he was feeling when your near the end of a race and someone totally fresh on the sideline screams at you for more. I kinda chuckled after I said it and started heading to where he finished. He checks in with the coach and we are on our way home. On the way back we see this compact station wagon transporting a scooter in the back and get a good laugh at their expense............ NO STRAPS AT ALL! Just laying in there.

More CX practice tomorrow at the Winged Deer park. Next week is the first CX race in our area! Fun times ahead..........
Later G.............................................


Riding with dogs said...

if you don't want the pink basket can I have it?


Angie already got all the stuff out of it

Riding with dogs said...

I just want the basket...empty or full of PBR makes no difference to me.............actually I'd rather it be full of PBR