My buddy Capt. Dingo has a friend that stops by from time to time named Flat Stanley. One morning he showed up on my doorstep wanting to go on a "road" ride. He said that he had heard so much about roadies he wanted to give this a try. All he ever got to do was mountain bike and ride with dogs. He was looking to "broaden his horizons" he stated. I told him he could go on a ride with me so he said he would tag along. Several miles into the ride he was loving the "high" speeds that he was unaccustomed to in the mountains and when we climbed he liked going up on the asphalt much better he said. At the end of the ride he asked if he could hang out for the evening and then he was off to much bigger things the next morning. I agreed and when we got home he made a bee line straight for the fridge and before I could stop him he slammed two beers back and was opening the third. I asked if Capt. Dingo allowed this type behavior at his house and he ignored me. I snatched his little thin butt up and laid him in the utensils drawer and said he could come out in the morning. The next morning I awoke and stammered into the kitchen to find that he had escaped and had left. All of my beer was gone and he left a mess in the kitchen. So long Flat Stanley don't let me catch back up to you!
LAter G..............................
1 comment:
Good one...
...I'm sure you deserved what the "almosttwodimsensionalevilhouseguestfromhell" did.
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