Capt. Dingo has been having problems sticking two pieces of velcro together it seems of late and it has him befrazzled to no end. For the longest time I have suspected that he has some sort of 'crush' on Team Dickey. Greg has always had this fetish for little bits of pink on his bike like someone else....

below: The "new thing" of late.... MAN we were doing this with a roll of electrical tape in the early 90"s, you just couldn't re-use it was all......

Now Capt. Dingo wants one of these, made famous by you know who.... Now I have never met ole Mr. Dicky but I have seen him once or twice at some nearby races before. He does have quite a following for sure albeit I have never been one to hero worship and never will. I would in fact purchase a bobble head doll gift for Capt. Dingo to have on his night stand because I am one of his goodest buds. (insert smug hick smile here) So my response to his latest blogging splatter I will answer his question: Not hard for me, maybe for you though ehhhh not so sure....suck it up.
Just put a tube, Co2, tire lever and that's all homie! If you ride in and flat you can walk back to da car at Warriors or Bays!
G, by now you should know that I'm ALWAYS going to make some querky, smart, goofy, idiotic or useless remark to anything so always expect it and never take me serious. Greg is one of the bestest riding buddies a bud could have and it's good to have friends that you can pick on and be picked on by from time to time.

This Saturday!!!!!!! More info here!!!
LAter G.................................
All I got in it is a multi too, tire levers and 2 CO2 cart. It's the rain not the mud that effects the velcro.
As for hero worship, your my hero.
seriously though I haven't had any probs with mine when it gets wet. Either one, road or mtn, I have two of 'em
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